Control Class
Beta Documentation - Subject to change.
The base control class for all available user interface elements.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- Turbine.UI.Control
- Turbine.UI.ScrollableControl
- Turbine.UI.ScrollBar
- Turbine.UI.TreeNode
- Turbine.UI.Window
- Turbine.UI.Lotro.BaseItemControl
- Turbine.UI.Lotro.EffectDisplay
- Turbine.UI.Lotro.EntityControl
- Turbine.UI.Lotro.Quickslot
To use the Chat Object, you will need to import "Turbine.UI.Lotro"
at the top of the file it will be used.
Name | Inherited | Description |
Focus | Request that the control take focus. | |
GetAllowDrop | Gets if the control supports drop operations from drag and drop. | |
GetBackColor | Gets the solid background color of the control. | |
GetBackColorBlendMode | Gets the blend mode applied to the background color. | |
GetBackground | Gets the background graphic of the control. | |
GetBlendMode | Gets the blend mode applied to the background image. | |
GetControls | Gets the list of child controls. | |
GetHeight | Gets the height of the control. | |
GetLeft | Gets the left coordinate of the control. | |
GetMousePosition | Gets the mouse position relative to this control. | |
GetOpacity | Gets the opacity of the window. | |
GetParent | Gets the parent of the control. | |
GetPosition | Gets the position of the control. | |
GetSize | Gets the size of the control. | |
GetTop | Gets the top coordinate of the window. | |
GetWantsKeyEvents | Gets a flag indicating if the control wants to receive key events. | |
GetWantsUpdates | Gets the flag indicating if the control wants to receive Update notifications | |
GetWidth | Gets the width of the control. | |
GetZOrder | Gets the Z ordering index of the control. | |
HasFocus | Returns true if the control has focus. | |
IsAltKeyDown | Test if the alt key is pressed. | |
IsControlKeyDown | Test if the control key is pressed. | |
IsDisplayed | Gets a flag indicating if the control is displayed. | |
IsEnabled | Gets a flag indicating if the control is enabled. | |
IsMouseVisible | Gets a flag indicating if the mouse will see this control. | |
IsShiftKeyDown | Test if the shift key is pressed. | |
IsVisible | Gets a flag indicating if the control is visible. | |
PointToClient | Converts a coordinate from control space to screen space. | |
PointToScreen | Converts a coordinate from control space to screen space. | |
SetAllowDrop | Sets if the control supports drop operations from drag and drop. | |
SetBackColor | Sets the background color of the control. | |
SetBackColorBlendMode | Sets the blend mode applied to the background color. | |
SetBackground | Sets the background image of the control. | |
SetBlendMode | Sets the blend mode applied to the background image. | |
SetEnabled | Sets a flag indicating if the control is enabled. | |
SetHeight | Sets the height of the control. | |
SetLeft | Sets the left coordinate of the window. | |
SetMouseVisible | Gets a flag indicating if the mouse will see this control. | |
SetOpacity | Sets the opacity of the window. | |
SetParent | Sets the parent of the control. | |
SetPosition | Sets the position of the control. | |
SetSize | Sets the size of the control. | |
SetTop | Sets the top coordinate of the window. | |
SetVisible | Sets the visible flag of a control. | |
SetWantsKeyEvents | Sets a flag indicating if the control wants to receive key events. | |
SetWantsUpdates | Sets the flag indicating if the control wants the receive update notifications. | |
SetWidth | Sets the width of the control. | |
SetZOrder | Sets the Z order of the control. |
Name | Inherited | Description |
DragDrop | Event fired when a drag drop operation is completed. | |
DragEnter | Event fired when a drag drop operation enters the control. | |
DragLeave | Event fired when a drag drop operation leaves the control. | |
DragStart | Event fired when a drag drop operation starts the control. | |
EnabledChanged | Event fired when the enabled state of the control changes. | |
FocusGained | Event fired when the control gains focus. | |
FocusLost | Event fired when the control loses focus. | |
KeyDown | Event fired when a key is pressed down. | |
KeyUp | Event fired when a key is released. | |
MouseClick | Event fired when a mouse button is clicked. | |
MouseDoubleClick | Event fired when a mouse button is double clicked. | |
MouseDown | Event fired when a mouse button is pressed. | |
MouseEnter | Event fired when the mouse enters the control. | |
MouseHover | Event fired when the mouse is hovering over the control. | |
MouseLeave | Event fired when the mouse leaves the control. | |
MouseMove | Event fired when the mouse moves. | |
MouseUp | Event fired when a mouse button is released. | |
MouseWheel | Event fired when a mouse wheel moves. | |
PositionChanged | Event fired when the position of the control changes. | |
SizeChanged | Event fired when the size of the control changes. | |
Update | Event fired every frame when WantsUpdates is enabled. | |
VisibleChanged | Event fired when the visible state of the control changes. |
** Coming Soon **
** Coming Soon **
** Coming Soon **
See Also
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