LoTRO LUA Documentation

This is a version controlled documentation for how to use the LUA-Plugin Framework implemented into LoTRO.

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Beta Documentation - Subject to change.



Backpacks in the game are expandable to a max slot count of 135, as of this U30.

This first couple of expansions are added to new bags (4-6) but afterwards the additional slots are added to the end of Bag #1


Turbine (page)
  • Chat
  • ChatType
  • DataScope
  • Engine
  • Language
  • LotroPluginManager
  • Object
  • Plugin
  • PluginData
  • PluginManager
  • Shell
  • ShellCommand
  • ActiveSkill
  • Actor
  • Alignment
  • Attributes
  • Backpack
  • Bank
  • BasicMount
  • Class
  • ClassAttributes
  • CombatMount
  • CraftTier
  • Effect
  • EffectCategory
  • EffectList
  • Entity
  • EntityReference
  • Equipment
  • EquipmentSlot
  • GambitSkill
  • GambitSkillInfo
  • Item
  • ItemCategory
  • ItemDurability
  • ItemInfo
  • ItemQuality
  • ItemWearState
  • LocalPlayer
  • Mount
  • Party
  • PartyMember
  • Pet
  • Player
  • Profession
  • ProfessionInfo
  • PropertyHandler
  • Race
  • ReadyState
  • Recipe
  • RecipeIngredient
  • SharedStorage
  • Skill
  • SkillInfo
  • SkillList
  • SkillType
  • UntrainedSkill
  • Vault
  • Vocation
  • Wallet
  • WalletItem
  • BeorningAttributes
  • BlackArrowAttributes
  • BurglarAttributes
  • BurglarStance
  • CaptainAttributes
  • ChampionAttributes
  • ChampionStance
  • ChickenAttributes
  • DefilerAttributes
  • DwarfAttributes
  • ElfAttributes
  • FreePeopleAttributes
  • GuardianAttributes
  • GuardianStance
  • HighElfAttributes
  • HobbitAttributes
  • HunterAttributes
  • HunterStance
  • LoreMasterAttributes
  • ManAttributes
  • MinstrelAttributes
  • MinstrelStance
  • MonsterPlayerAttributes
  • RangerAttributes
  • ReaverAttributes
  • RuneKeeperAttributes
  • StalkerAttributes
  • TrollAttributes
  • WardenAttributes
  • WardenGambit
  • WardenStance
  • WarLeaderAttributes
  • WeaverAttributes
Turbine.UI (page)
  • BlendMode
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • Color
  • ContentAlignment
  • ContextMenu
  • Control
  • ControlList
  • Display
  • DragDropInfo
  • FontStyle
  • Graphic
  • HorizontalLayout
  • Lable
  • ListBox
  • MenuItem
  • MenuItemList
  • MouseButton
  • Orientation
  • ScrollableControl
  • ScrollBar
  • TextBox
  • TreeNode
  • TreeNodeList
  • TreeView
  • VerticalLayout
  • Window
Turbine.UI.Lotro (page)
  • Action
  • BaseItemControl
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • DragDropInfo
  • EffectDisplay
  • EntityControl
  • EquipmentSlot
  • Font
  • GoldButton
  • GoldWindow
  • ItemControl
  • ItemInfoControl
  • LotroUI
  • LotroUIElement
  • Quickslot
  • ScrollBar
  • Shortcut
  • ShortcutType
  • TextBox
  • Window

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